Sports Injury Treatment & Recovery in Invercargill
If you are involved in recreational or professional sports, you have probably suffered a sports related injury at some point in your life. As avid weight trainers we are very familiar with the aches and pains of recreational injuries and have been successfully treating them since 1995. We have even treated professional athletes in the NBA, NFL, NHL (as Richard has previously worked in the United States), NPC Rugby, and MLB. Some typical sports injuries treated at Invercargill Chiropractic Clinic are:
- Knee pain including tendonitis, cartilage, and muscular issues
- Elbow pain including lateral and medial epicondylitis (Tennis elbow and Golfer’s elbow)
- Low Back Pain, mid-back pain, and neck pain
- Foot pain and Plantar Fasciatis
- Wrist pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Leg pain and Sciatica
- All types of muscle pains, strains and injuries.
Sports injuries are typically treated with Chiropractic adjustments, electric stimulation, ultrasound, laser therapy, sports massage, stretches, and exercises. If you are suffering from a sports injury call us today on (03) 2186231.